Woah, I've wanted to do an in depth shrine like this but I feel so underqualified. Writing that down makes me realize that sounds pretty silly, ha.
Also, I saw the kind words you wrote about me on your links page & wanted to thank you. They warmed my (sick with a cold) heart.
@Vashti Lol, I felt the same way for a long time! I'm actually astounded at how easily this has all flowed out of me. I had no idea I had it in me. I hope you feel better from your cold soon!!
love that you're taking the time to write such thoughtful descriptions for each site <3
It's a labor of love <3 I stole the idea from someone else on here and I can't remember who :( if you know who you are, show yourself lol.
You are doing your neighbor sites honorable justice. Thank you for my review and praise Asterion! I look forward to seeing the rest of these come to fruition.
Ahhh, your review and commentary of my site genuinely touched me. ; __ ; Thank you for taking the time to do this! It's super inspiring and it makes me want to do the same. It's a deeply thoughtful gesture! ♡
thank you for such a kind and heartfelt description of my site! i've been meaning to add your button for a while now and this finally reminded me to do it <3
Ahh tysm!! I love pterodactyls too! I hope to acquire more gifs of dinos that are the right size and vibe so that the switcher can cycle through all of them! Need to learn more javascript for that too lol. Thanks for following! Your site is lovely. I, too, highly prize every moment in my life that was spent in uncontrollable, painful laughter.
aah i'm excited to see what's to come! i looked around your website some more and holy cow every page is so creative and beautifully put together. and thank you for the kind words !! i hope we both get to experience lots, lots and lots of laughter & joy ^o^
thank you thank you it really means a lot <3 Do you have a button? If so I'd love to put it on my neighbor wall
i don't yet (◞‸◟;) but thank you so much for asking! i appreciate it a lot :) i'll be sure to have your button too when i get to adding neighbors <3
Basically done with the actual content of the shrine. Whew! Now styling it's a whole other story. I feel deranged.