Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard

645 updates
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Networking with peers is another thing I sorta wanna do here on Neocities. Editing pages can be hard, and sometimes there's nostalgia I like to showcase as that's part of being a Neocitizen. I enjoy Neocities, and the Neocitizens. My account first started off as a hosting account for content to share elsewhere, but over time I changed my style to be more like other Neocitizens. I still brainstrorm ideas 2 this day!
empeethree 2 years ago

I wanted to type a long comment, but I ended up reaching a character limit. Sometimes working around that, can involve things like switching out Suzanne with Susan, or shortening it to Sue, or sometimes using digit 2 in place to "to" or "too", but of course I could leave out the quote I used for emphasis here LOL. I tend to be technical on some things.

good luck building your site.
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I remember that one time when somebody made a YouTube video which featured SEFY in it, the guy describing SEFY would mistake Leonard Cohen for Tom Sizemore, but guess what, I just discovered that Tom Sizemore was in the 1994 movie Natural Born Killers, which was a movie that had more than one Leonard Cohen song in it's soundtrack.
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i like your website :) thought you should know that your links on the main home page are a bit hard to see until they're clicked on and go dark
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This is awesome! I also have Windows 95 style aesthetics on my site, although I also have some Windows 3.1 type aesthetics too!
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Your page is so fun- I love the dress up doll Suzannes! Thank you for the follow!
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empeethree 2 years ago

thank you Neocitizen! I've been a big fan of the MP3 file format, and this is one reason why Suzanne Vega is in the scene!

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welcome! enjoy your stay!
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suika-hime 2 years ago

Thank you very much!! :D

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I just found a video about efforts to preserve the 90s Internet.
empeethree 2 years ago

video title: The early internet is breaking - here’s how the World Wide Web from the 90s on will be saved

I enjoyed Christmas, now I am excited about the New Year, 2023! I plan to see the ball drop on TV in Times Square.
What are you guys gonna do for Christmas?
misswannabe 2 years ago

I honestly have no idea tbh...

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ballonlea 2 years ago

Aside from the usual festivities, I’m gonna binge Christmas movies with my bf :)

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werewolfdaddy 2 years ago

Not much. Christmas is usually the time I just exist.

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nandraid 2 years ago

celebrate with family. the day before christmas

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empeethree 2 years ago

I enjoyed my Christmas! hope you guys have too!

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedJun 8, 2018
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