Accessibility, please! I'm trying to write one + and are great but I think an easy, condensed, tldr eli5 version could really compel more people to make their site accessibility friendly.
i agree that accessibility would be a great tutorial subject. i once saw i website with so many different colours, gifs, and images going on that i think it would've killed any epileptic person
seconding the accessibility suggestion. i've read all the official standards for accessibility and aria several times now and though i feel like i grasp it, i still find it to be very dense reading...
I think it wouldn't hurt to teach the public about web design principles and what it takes to make an appealing website, regardless of whether it looks basic or professional!
Aaahh thankyou so much! <3 <3 Think it's the first time ever that I sketched my navigation idea before I made it I was that excited LOL! Just need to get the content on the other pages to look better with the header eventually too LOL :)
bruh i forgot this feature even existed lol