lovesick ♡

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inkcaps 1 year ago

I am so sorry to hear work is burning you out! Sometimes it feels like most jobs can be bearable if you feel supported by your leadership, but this is clearly not the case in your situation. Being reprimanded for showing up a minute late despite your overtime... it sounds like something out of Office Space lmao, which is so ridiculous!! Talk about unnecessary stress. Your depression and burn is totally understandable

inkcaps 1 year ago

Time sunk cost fallacy is such a real thing, and something I've dealt with before. It's easier said than done but like... I try to to remind myself that I've already put my time into something that I can't get back, so why should I keep sending it? Change is so, so hard, but it might be worth at this point. No matter what you choose to do, I wish you luck and I'm sorry you're dealing with this! ; __ ;

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loves1ck 1 year ago

Aw thank you so much for taking the time to comment!! You truly are so very sweet T_T ♥ Office Space is exactly what I thought about when I opened that email... I was just so incredulous LOL. (My temper had me wanted to re-enact the printer scene but with my pc hahaha) You are so right about the time lost! The time is already why not move on. Thank you sm for the encourage words...

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loves1ck 1 year ago

Truly, it means a lot to me! So thank you, sincerely!! ;_; <3

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miela583 1 year ago

You are not an idiot or a fool. Moving workplaces is hard and it sucks, and clock in times are BS. My job does the “do your own potluck” thing, too, and we haven’t even done that for over 6 months now. It’s not constructive to say, but jobs are stupid.

loves1ck 1 year ago

Thank you! T_T♥ It's just so hard not to get down about it yknow? I just wish work environments were better. I hope your job will do more fun stuff for you, potlucks and luncheons seem like a little thing but they really do help with morale >.<

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