deleted your other comment because I completely imagined that the delete button was how I reply but omfg I wanted a EU DOMAIN SO BAD BUT THEY DONT LET U IF U DONT LIVE IN THE EU crushed my dreamssssssss
I'm in a thorny sort of citizenship limbo where I'm still not *100%* sure if I'll get to keep my Dutch citizenship if I receive a British one so my strategy has been just hope my domain name seller never notices
aw ! omg ! thanks !!! that's so sweet! I'm glad you enjoy it all!! I really like your work too I'm a huge fan ! I've been insanely neglecting adding anything to the gallery so this may be the motivation I needed haha ✊
Also, a thing i noticed, on the sketchbook section, the arrow for the next page is both left and right arrows overlapping, and on hover instead of pointing right it points left
hey!!! any hard rules i have are on the radio segment sign up page. I trust you to use your best judgment in picking something widly enjoyable. :)
also tysm for letting me know!! ill try and see what thats about hehe. Ive really neglected the gallery smhhhhhhhhhhhh lol.
yes!omg!!!! a friend and i were actually just talking about doing something like an audio book club! yeah readings would be so awesome!
also sorry you all are catching me mid radio overhaul lol, mobile responsive-ness, dark theme, chat box, and about/ contact pages forthcomming!
By the way, I am also interested in your radio station! I radio surf on my cassette, looking for weird things from equally weird people good and bad. Making your own radio station is amazing!
Aw. Thanks !