im using chrome rn at work and for some reason i cant get the links to be on the side?
i use firefox on my laptop and it show how i want it to, but im not sure why chrom isnt when my other pages on chrome look fine. wondering if its just an issue on my end
it's on the top. It looks like it is because of the scrollbar width isn't taken into account when using the vw unit in Chrome. You can change your aside width to calc(23vw - 6px) (or on the main) and it works in Chrome
i have a page just like ur explode one ;o; that's so funny. a bit of trolling perhaps
thank you!! i really like the early 00s sci-fi/web design you have :D it reminds me of a movie i saw when i was a kid
JS seems to be tricky like that, i don't know anything about it, i just got a friends help :'D
i also like your media reviews! I dont watch/read/play a lot of things, but if i wanted to your guide would be greate for starting out
Thank you!! I don't think my opinions should be anyone's guide but I am glad you like it. I love your site as well! I spent a while yesterday just looking through a lot of it. I really adore your art (especially that one piece with the moss around the canvas- incredible), also your about page has so much personality, I love that.
my html and css is so much of a mess it seems easier to start over than parse through what i have