
6,022 updates
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hey thanks for the follow :] I just linked yr site button
Thanks for the follow! Got your button up!
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hey spiritcellar, do u know how to add the little danglely things to the bottom of a flexbox
spiritcellar 1 year ago

My site is so spaghetti-coded and bad so I'll try to answer this but it may be no help at all lmao! Do you mean like the little bell and plant on my landing page? Try making whatever gif, img, etc. you want to dangle set to "position: relative;" in the css and then set the top or bottom and left or right positions to place the element on the page wherever you want!

spiritcellar 1 year ago

Also you can use "z-index:" to specify the stack order of an element; like if you want to make sure a certain image stays visible and on top of everything else set the z-index to something really high like 99, or just the highest number of how many stacks you want :)

Your site!!! It's so cool, I love it so much!! Thank you for the follow!
I'm in love with this web site! It's the dark-themed, early web stuff that I get a real kick out of! Thanks for taking the time to check my little page, too!
your "corkboard" collection made me want to pull out my button maker and re-make some of these
grossgirl94 1 year ago

I love it!

I haven't even explored like 10% of your site, but I just downloaded so many 88x31s from your about page. Immaculate vibes, can't wait to see more
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thanks for the followw !!! i love ur site !!!! :( ^ w ^ )
fantastic website! it's like walking into a well-loved home
Appreciate your follow!
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedSep 17, 2020
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personal fantasy art aesthetic nature