Greetings Passengers, the unwanted interloper has been flushed from the Simonet Wing and our Learning Zone will soon be back up and running. UBWU
We are glad to hear that you are excited to learn more about our place in the Universe!
You enter a vast cavernous space, the chamber stretching into narrow tributaries. Above, a welcome banner sways gently, suspended over freshly stocked folding tables. A handwritten note rests on a table, detailing dietary preferences. On the tables, urns steam with hot water beside neatly stacked mint teabags, and paper plates are laden with freshly baked cinnamon cookies. Universe be with U
Shifting your view from the crisp crumbs in paper bowls and empty tin cans you read the printed banner. “Universe be with U”
Hii! As far as I saw, I guess you are a creative artist collective. But I'm still confused; what are you and what is your purpose?