I'm probably the odd one out for this, but I almost always use a laptop/desktop for browsing sites online. I think that's why I always forget to make pages on my own site mobile friendly. (And no I'm not old, just hate how cramped everything that isn't an app looks on my phone screen lol.).)
Statistically most internet traffic in the US comes from mobile devices. I would consider accommodating mobile devices an accessibility feature as some people can't operate desktop or laptop devices for one reason or another, and accessibility is always a good idea.
think I'm alone with this but I flipflop (can't always use a computer). plus, when I'm on my computer I usually don't maximize my browser and just keep it snapped to one half of the screen for multitasking, which makes the viewport essentially mobile-like
i use my laptop and phone for internet equally, though i more often surf neocities sites on laptop. that said even if it's made with a desktop display in mind first, i feel it's best in general to have it be accessibile for mobile devices, since some people own/can use a phone but not a computer, like @pencilvoid says
my site is kinda made in something of a desktop mindset, but i'm trying to make sure it's not cluttered or difficult to view on a phone because of that. also because i've looked at my own site on a phone and went "dang this could stand to be more convenient" several times LOL
{ "playing": false }
thats bc i paused it at the time, check it now