Sophomore Year is what year of school I'm in this year, but I'm homeschooled so lucky me. Use the next 3 years to get shekels and double-down on what you wanna do I guess like I'm going to do. I'll also hide my name more to make damn sure employers can't find it, likely won't get a job with me saying all the shit I do XD.
my highschool advice is this: be smart with choosing the people you want to hang out with and make sure to ask for help with assignments when needed!! dont be afraid to take care of yourself as well bc your health comes first as overwhelming as school can be. it'll all be okay 💙
I did complete an IB diploma (I think this is the international equivalent of Americans taking on a high load of advanced classes, plus I know you have a lot of IB schools over there) but that was fifteen years ago and I wouldn't be surprised if secondary-level education is unrecognizable to me now.
1) Befriend your teachers and be engaged/visible in classes, they'll help you more and allow more lenient extensions when you need them. 2) You need a planner (my school distrubuted paper planners, but I think an app could work better for some) and a system that works for you (bullet journalling is probably easiest).
thanks for the advice yall (@sakana im taking some ib courses junior yr and @nullkid, gl!!!)
I'm 32 now, but my advice is to not worry about the small stuff. Focus on things that matter and always remember that nobody knows the right way to do anything, we're all just people trying to figure out how things work and how best to live our lives and nobody has the right answer.
I used to think adults must have it all figured out, but I've worked for lawyers, doctors, teachers, administrators and one thing was extremely clear: they don't know any more than you do about how to live their lives. And most importantly- enjoy it while you can. It goes fast. Try to find the right people and enjoy their company.
hang out with people who love you for you! focus on your studies, but if it gets to be overwhelming, dont be afraid to drop some levels or classes (as possible). let yourself grow into who you want to be, because you have time to figure it out. just keep on keeping on, and you'll make it there!
A lot of people seem to approach school with a bad attitude or an apathy to what they're leaning ~ but if you look, you can find something fascinating in even the most mundane subjects. So I'd say, make each subject your own, find yourself in your studies, and find your own reasons to learn; grades and jobs will come and go, but your goal is to build yourself.
I agree with Melon. A lot of teachings at that age are geared towards preparing you for a career and all that BS.. that's all fine and well, but the things I remember the most from high school are my amazing teachers, the cool things I learned, and the people I got to hangout with.
shadowbanning is possible on Neocities?? that probably explains why im never on the explore page LOL
screenjesus is not the true Jesus Christ, who is our LORD and savior. "screenjesus" is a demon.
is on official neocity site or is it yours/from the community to display scrapped data?
Pray to ScreenJesus that they won't end up breaking your custom thumbnail code.
Is Bill deceased?
Looks like Bill is perfectly alive and has been very busy with his "Weird Fantastic Toy Adventures" Youtube channel & blog!
Rumors of my death are exaggerated
hes alive :0
*whew* Hi, Bill!