BadGraph1csGhost's Website

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badgraph1csghost 10 months ago

My homepage is back to normal, but don't forget--Israel is using American money to commit genocide.

awesome website!! thx for the follow ^-^
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ranjam 10 months ago

thank you!! and thank you also for going on strike fo palestine!!

My website is participating in the Global Strike for Rafah, so the normal homepage is temporarily unavailable. Only the Index has been changed, so links to my other pages will not be affected.
queenofbluescreens 10 months ago

I honestly didn't know this was happening until I saw this. Thank you for posting this!

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This whole CC+AI thing really ate up my day. i wasted SO MUCH TIME updating legal shit that i want to just go to bed now. and i'm STILL not convinced i have all the loopholes plugged! i guess ive just been too comfortable leaving legal jargon to others, now ive got to be my own copyright attorney X(
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homepc 10 months ago

that really is stopping me from share any art on the internet. or any other creations... i mean, i have less and less desire to do it :( so i feel you

badgraph1csghost 10 months ago

Fortunately cohost and catbox don't actively share data with AI trainers. Cohost is technically scrapeable but catbox doesn't have any way of viewing files once theyr on the server so its probably unscrapeable.

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badgraph1csghost 10 months ago

I ironed out the bugs by just changing from CC to ARR. I hate using ARR, because it turns off potential licensees and encourages piracy imo. But it turns out my custom license restrictions weren't compatible with CC BY NC SA anyhow.

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badgraph1csghost 10 months ago

I also saved over my blog entry template accidentally. Oops. That's what backups are for!

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astrossoundhell 10 months ago

Those are really good tunes! I admire your approach, i do music so backwards compared to you. Inspires me to try focusing on chords/melody and not the timbre/texture/beat as usual.

badgraph1csghost 10 months ago

Why is there a page called "MOBLIN.HTML"? It's a secret to everybody.

badgraph1csghost 10 months ago

I was going to put my Baffy story in there, but it turned out being too spicy for Neocities :P So I put my fursona in there instead.

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I put the VSTi version of that one MIDI jazz song onto Tina's Tunes. Also I finally did something with that darn moblin from January ;)
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Anyone here know the surest way to expose a tech support consultant as a chatbot?
♪ Polymascotfoamalate (feed it to the babies) ♪ Polymascotfoamalate (or as a topping on soured cream!)♬
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badgraph1csghost 10 months ago

Had this running through my head all day and decided to make it your problem.

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CreatedAug 18, 2022
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computers gaming music art blog