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happy birthday to the one and only kiyotaka ishimaru
heya ! i was wondering if it would be okay if i shared your site button on my site as a sort of cool websites marquees ? i really love the vibe of your site and would love to share it ! thank you very much for taking this into consideration !! (to make this easier i'm copy and pasting this message to other sites to ask for permission so my apologies if you see the same message on other neocities !)
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symphony 2 years ago

yes! i would love that ^_^

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heya ! i was wondering if it would be okay if i shared your site button on my site as a sort of cool websites marquees ? i really love the vibe of your site and would love to share it ! thank you very much for taking this into consideration !! (to make this easier i'm copy and pasting this message to other sites to ask for permission so my apologies if you see the same message on other neocities !)
purinland 2 years ago

YES. PLS!!!!

heya ! i was wondering if it would be okay if i shared your site button on my site as a sort of cool websites marquees ? i really love the vibe of your site and would love to share it ! thank you very much for taking this into consideration !! (to make this easier i'm copy and pasting this message to other sites to ask for permission so my apologies if you see the same message on other neocities !)
cvrsed 2 years ago

ofc it would be okay!!!!!!!!!!!!

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heya ! i was wondering if it would be okay if i shared your site button on my site as a sort of cool websites marquees ? i really love the vibe of your site and would love to share it ! thank you very much for taking this into consideration !! (to make this easier i'm copy and pasting this message to other sites to ask for permission so my apologies if you see the same message on other neocities !)
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saint-images 2 years ago

Hi there! Yeah sure, go ahead

heya ! i was wondering if it would be okay if i shared your site button on my site as a sort of cool websites marquees ? i really love the vibe of your site and would love to share it ! thank you very much for taking this into consideration !! (to make this easier i'm copy and pasting this message to other sites to ask for permission so my apologies if you see the same message on other neocities !)
1 like
heya ! i was wondering if it would be okay if i shared your site button on my site as a sort of cool websites marquees ? i really love the vibe of your site and would love to share it ! thank you very much for taking this into consideration !! (to make this easier i'm copy and pasting this message to other sites to ask for permission so my apologies if you see the same message on other neocities !)
heya ! i was wondering if it would be okay if i shared your site button on my site as a sort of cool websites marquees ? i really love the vibe of your site and would love to share it ! thank you very much for taking this into consideration !! (to make this easier i'm copy and pasting this message to other sites to ask for permission so my apologies if you see the same message on other neocities !)
cabbagesorter 2 years ago

Of course, you don't even have to ask! :D

heya ! i was wondering if it would be okay if i shared your site button on my site as a sort of cool websites marquees ? i really love the vibe of your site and would love to share it ! thank you very much for taking this into consideration !! (to make this easier i'm copy and pasting this message to other sites to ask for permission so my apologies if you see the same message on other neocities !)
cloverbell 2 years ago

Hiya! Of course, I’m glad you enjoy my site ^^

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJun 18, 2021
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2000s nostalgia art aesthetic traditionalart