708 updates
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heya ! i was wondering if it would be okay if i shared your site button on my site as a sort of cool websites marquees ? i really love the vibe of your site and would love to share it ! thank you very much for taking this into consideration !! (to make this easier i'm copy and pasting this message to other sites to ask for permission so my apologies if you see the same message on other neocities !)
toothachesplinter 2 years ago

yes! im fine with that :D !

1 like
heya ! i was wondering if it would be okay if i shared your site button on my site as a sort of cool websites marquees ? i really love the vibe of your site and would love to share it ! thank you very much for taking this into consideration !! (to make this easier i'm copy and pasting this message to other sites to ask for permission so my apologies if you see the same message on other neocities !)
myths-garden 2 years ago

so so sorry for the late reply but of course! :D

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1 like
I'M A FOOL i accidentally deleted the html that connects to the css sheet my bad should be fixed soon
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why is my new css not working :( i'm heartbroken bro
1 like
lessthanthree 2 years ago

ahh thats the worst. if you can't get it to work, i can help debug! or be your rubber ducky B) good luck

i am not even remotely close to being a functional site just yet but waht i have achieved so far i'm proud eough to at leastshare the basic bare bones for the time being ! there is still so much i want to work on and so much to learn but i thank youall for sticking around despite not really doing much of anything up until this point ! i hope you have a lovely day/night !

Website Stats

Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedJun 18, 2021
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2000s nostalgia art aesthetic traditionalart