I'm glad you like her! Thanks for the follow as well! I love the unicorn on your site!
I think it should be pointed out that their manifesto is very anit lgbtq. They argued that in pre-civilization, lgbtw would all die out because they weak and will lose in natural selection. They argued that lgbtq people existing is proof that civilization is bad. As you point out about thier gender stuff, this clearly comes from self hatred.
Wildrose, I agree. That really comes through, sadly, in the later chapters of the manifesto. I do believe things would've gone much differently if the government hadn't tortured TK as part of MKULTRA, too, regardless, which no doubt contributed.
I remember when they pulled the guy from the cabin. I was profusely assured by the grown-ups that the "mad scientist had been caught" and that we were now safe to fly on planes again. I was told he hated computer nerds. I was also told I was too young to read his book, of course, but the adults all scrambled for a copy.
My current site template comes from Foollovers, but has been heavily, heavily modified by me, though. These templates I've been creating recently are quite different, quite more colorful, and again, feature no images.
For what it's worth, the reason I started making the colorful, imageless and weird templates was because I'd like to create a site for my thoughts about religion. My favorite sozai site's ToS precludes usage on religious sites, though, which I respect.
Very interesting list of links :)