FABLED.DAY - web alchemy and stories of the before times

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The section focused on websites as a general medium, organization, etc, now has an index and a few new pages, mostly little snippets. Expect some long and boring essays on that page soon, though, with my thoughts on how websites convey our message to our visitors in various ways...
Corecore now? Oldkiz-newblockz led me to learning about this via Tumblr. Seems like Kids These Days seem to want to speedrun Baudrillard's stages of simulation? And it worked? Kind of?
oldkidz-newblockz 3 months ago

oh, maybe. it is random stuff i keep seeing. corecore is a stuff surely, saw nice simple analysis under 20 MINS i think

oldkidz-newblockz 3 months ago

hi, got interest in this? it is mess, but you can at leas get the idea from home page: and tumblr blog:, (more updated) where i document cultural changes - dont you too?

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fabled 3 months ago

Apparently I'm from here: but I'm not sure. It seems between that and the next on the timeline. Culturally, I mean. It makes since with my birth age. :-/

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oldkidz-newblockz 3 months ago

cool! it is just brief shorthand! as timelines are literally spectrum, there are places here-and-there, (also it is broad, might have mistakes and biases...) , and i never much didnt specified (visually) the order or era. these are also second-hand XPs... 1) nerdwebz (bbs) - 80s + 90s, 2) zillenial (mill. + gen-z) - late 90s, y2k, mid-2000s, - think of AdPocalypse, MS Win controversy 2004 F.U.D., net on TV... 3)

oldkidz-newblockz 3 months ago

3) 2007 positivity - think of frutiger aero, meet the robinsons, jetson retro-futu, "technozen" etc. ... web at the best, between YTP, MLG and cca 2009/2010 (2011-2013) (they all overlap)... 4) 2010 Millenial Net Utopia - millennials taking web by balls - web as (quick) way to make money (late 2007 > 2016s), "eat the rich", it was also 4chan 4lulz, wikileaks/anonymous and aaron schwartz era (with Che Guevara vibes...

oldkidz-newblockz 3 months ago

(with Che Guevara vibes... looming over in attitude, and somewhat even in graphic design of the era - no one knew if it was (2000s- early/mid 2010s) ironical use, well-meant, confussed, or wtf even... (/ by2012/13 - 2016s, vibes changes again*) ); */ by this "2nd" era, the mood of 2007/2008 econ-crisis goes even more on-nose, edgy, punk, and it is basically first wave of young people being snark, edgy, smudge and

oldkidz-newblockz 3 months ago

...edgy, smudge and well-rounded in "games those above play" - see gamergate (noble idea, bs exe), occupy wallstreet and wikileaks,... "buying-on-house" (renting >>>, "beating them-above at their own game") etc. (too 2020/21 angrymen making mini stock-waves) > wakes/waves of (young) pub. consc., not being played with ... --- final hit being covid era, when and after, the belief in science(-its) & media is all low...

Does anyone have any advice for what I ought to include in the Hank Hill shrine? It will, in fact, be an actual part of this site. I am not being facetious.
fabled 3 months ago

So far, I'm including an anecdote about why the show became meaningful to me, a list of my favorite episodes, the reasons Hank is actually a good main character, and a virtual season (list of ten episode ideas) about the Hill family in 2020 (messing with canon a bit).

September 11th, 2001 was a turning point for all of us, but were you, too, briefly trapped in a red, white, and blue ontological mystery?
hardmachine 3 months ago

I was taught War on Terror propaganda in elementary school. Constant "they hate us because was have freedom" and a lot of toxic patriotism + paranoia. Pretty awful shit IMO.

Is Eternal September over? Politely requesting your opinion via a poll.
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As millennials, we thought we knew the rules. Some music was appropriate at school, and some wasn't. Everything changed with Europop.
oldkidz-newblockz 3 months ago

based. also mr.president etc

oldkidz-newblockz 3 months ago

blumchen and so (obv e-rotic...)

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