Pixel Glade Splash Page

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Hello again! I am very inspired by your website. I especially love the sleek minimalistic layout, responsive design of the nav bar, original banner with added text title, and the zonelets blog you're maintaining! I read through your Copyright page and the Creative Commons License agreement, and I saw you mention that copying your source code for learning purposes is okay with you. How do I do that? c: Thanks so much
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pixelglade 1 year ago

Thank you! Feel free to take a look at the source code - the way to do it on Firefox on Windows is to right click on the web page and click View Page Source. There are some Javascript objects on the homepage for the Search and the Webrings so I would recommend looking at a simpler page so there's less clutter. Interpreting what you see will become easier as you write/learn more HTML/CSS code.

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pixelglade 1 year ago

One of the simpler pages is the Contact Me page. view-source: The responsive parts are due to the divs flexcolumn and flexbox. To see what they are referring to you open the .css style page.

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sugarblush 1 year ago

Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it c: I'll do my best. Something I'm struggling with for my Zonelets blog is that the Blog title and Date aren't showing up automatically, despite there being divs for them and I am labeling the html files appropriately. If I type something in the divs the text will not appear on my page. Im assuming it is a Javascript error? I don't know how to fix it tho, do you an idea?

pixelglade 1 year ago

I do have an idea, actually. The first issue is that if you deviate from the template too much or decide to not use on the the variables in the script file, it can break the Javascript that Zonelets uses. For that reason (and because the Javascript was a bit slow sometimes) I actually removed the Javascript from the blog and replaced it with HTML, but I kept a lot the styling divs the same.

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pixelglade 1 year ago

I kept the footer for zonelets because that's how I started with my blog, but it's deviated from the original code a fair bit. I think it was actually the blog title and date issues that made me remove all the Javascript. But I would recommend editing the template file first and testing with that to try troubleshoot. Not sure if that's super helpful, but in the end - it probably is an issue with the Javascript.

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sugarblush 1 year ago

Thank you so much for the suggestion!! I removed the Javascript on the Post Template and I'll continue fiddling around with it while referencing your code c:

sugarblush 1 year ago

Something I'm trying to achieve on my home page is a cute header banner like yours but with my own pixel art. I copied your code and replaced the background image file with mine, but the banner appears as blank. Do you know what is going on? (Thank you so much for all the help by the way, I hope I am not troubling you)

pixelglade 1 year ago

in terms of the background image, check that it's in the root directory of the website. Check the path and file name are correct "./" in the css style file means it's looking in the root directory. Also check the height and width arguments are correct with units (px). You don't have to load the image as a background image, you can load it as an image in HTML in the file instead if you want.

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pixelglade 1 year ago

When I tried looking for your background image by navigating to the filename I got a 404 error so I think the path is probably wrong. The paths are all relative, you can read about it here:

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pixelglade 1 year ago

Since you're using my code as a base/reference, I'd appreciate it if you could mention it somewhere on your site like "this website layout was inspired by pixelglade's site" with a link to my site - that's just the terms of the Creative Commons license, you can remix and build upon the content or alter it but attribution is usually required. Whenever your website is finished, I'd appreciate the mention. 🙂

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sugarblush 1 year ago

Thank you a lot for the help!! I'll double check the path to make sure I get it right. And yes absolutely! I'll be sure to give a link back to pixelglade on my main page since I am referencing your code :) thank you for letting me use it to learn, I appreciate it.

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pixelglade 1 year ago

You're welcome! Let me know if you have any more questions.

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sugarblush 1 year ago

Hi again! I've made a lot of progress on my site that I'm very happy with c: Thank you for letting me learn from your code. I have three minor things on my site I want to debug.

sugarblush 1 year ago

First two have to do with responsive design; I want to achieve the equally spaced nav box effect your site has on mobile. I referenced your code, but on my phone my site's "About" box is too squished, making the text feel crammed, while my "Projects" box is too spread out. My "Misc" box seems just fine though. What can I do to even out the "about" and "projects" boxes?

sugarblush 1 year ago

The second thing on mobile; if I swipe on my phone it will reveal that there is extra unused space to the right of my page. I was looking stuff up, and I think it comes from me adding padding to a box that had "width=100%" for responsive design. I can't seem to find the offending box though. This extra space on mobile isn't something present on your site, do you know how you prevented this?

sugarblush 1 year ago

The last thing is very minor, but something I notice on my home page is that there is some extra space between the start of the content box and my beginning header. I checked the css for h2 but I can't find any extra padding, so I'm not sure what is going on. Do you have any ideas?

sugarblush 1 year ago

Sorry for all the questions haha, thank you a lot for all the help. Wishing you the best

pixelglade 1 year ago

In regards to the size of the nav box in mobile when it's running along the top, it's set to fill 100% of the space. It looks like the middle column might be larger is due to the line length- the Pokemon: Sceptre/Spear could be the culprit, I generally tried to keep all my heading names roughly a similar length for that reason. A way to test is to temporarily remove all the headings and see what the columns look like

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pixelglade 1 year ago

I recommend testing your website in a browser and you can do Right Click > Inspect (Q) and then hover the mouse over different elements. When I did this, I found your h1 banner is what is causing the extra space on the right. If you click the element in this mode you can see a highlight for what the padding is, the position, etc.

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pixelglade 1 year ago

My suspicion is the extra space and the header positioning are related issues, if you solve one it might fix the other. The inspect says it's the h1.banner element rather than the header so I'd look into that.

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pixelglade 1 year ago

So don't get me wrong, testing on mobile is important but for narrowing down issues with elements you can resize your browser window to be squished and it will have approximately the same effect which can help you search for issues this way with Inspect.

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sugarblush 1 year ago

Thank you so much! Your responses helped me fix all of those issues c:

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sugarblush 1 year ago

Hi again! c: I am trying to create "favorite things" sections with booktable grids like yours. But one issue I am running into is that when I resize my browser window, the .bookdescription text will go off of the page. Do you know how to keep it in the main container?

pixelglade 1 year ago

Hello~ I actually had this problem with css-grid as well but I never got around to fixing it. In other parts of the site where I have tables (e.g. guestbook, resources root pages) I use just html tables that are set to fit the window. You could try something like that instead, sorry I can't be more help about this right now.

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sugarblush 1 year ago

No need to be sorry at all! Thanks for the suggestion c: I'll see what I can do

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