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Made a favorite Rush songs page with some explanation for why I picked them.
arkmsworld 1 year ago

Great band. I've seen them 3 times in concert. I also played bass guitar in a rock band in high school with an amazing drummer who was totally into Rush so we played a bunch of their songs. He went on to play for a reasonably famous professional band.

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arkmsworld 1 year ago

What can this strange device be? When I touch it, it gives forth sound.

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pixelglade 1 year ago

OMFG I wish I could have seen them in concert, but I only got on the bandwagon after they had retired and Neil Peart died :( Do you have a favorite song or album (I'm guessing you love 2112 too haha)?

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pixelglade 1 year ago

It’s got wires that vibrate, and give music What can this thing be that I found?

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pixelglade 1 year ago

Do you have any recordings of your music / bass guitar? would be so cool to hear it

arkmsworld 1 year ago

I think I first heard them on the radio with their Moving Pictures album. Unfortunately, I didn't really get to see them the first time in concert until their Power Windows tour. I love all of their music from Rush up through Signals, after that, not as much. They were always amazing in concert, though, no matter what album they were on tour for. One of the best sounding live bands I've ever heard.

arkmsworld 1 year ago

Favorite song....I dunno, maybe Red Barchetta, Limelight, 2112, or this.....

arkmsworld 1 year ago

I don't have any recordings of our old stuff anymore. I wish I did but it's been years. We actually made a demo tape of three original songs our guitarist wrote the lyrics and guitar part for...then we each added our own parts. Don't have that either anymore. :( I've moved around a LOT in my life and possessions go their own way over time, lol.

arkmsworld 1 year ago

Neal took alot of inspiration from dystopian Ayn Rand novels, which of course inspired me to read them. Anthem and The Fountainhead were my 2 favorites. Anthem is short, about 100 pages as I recall, and was the first one I read.

pixelglade 1 year ago

Xanadu is a great song! I ended up reading Anthem and The Fountainhead because of Rush too. I considered Atlas Shrugged but it is extremely long and I struggled through the second half of The Fountainhead because characters increasingly went on several page ranting monologues. It's a shame your recordings weren't saved - do you still play? Maybe you can make some new recordings. :)

pixelglade 1 year ago

Also I've had Take Off on repeat for awhile haha even though I'm not from The Great White North. Ten bucks is ten bucks!

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arkmsworld 1 year ago

No, I haven't played bass since maybe my first year of college. I sort of picked it up because I wanted to play music and that's what the bands I played in needed (bass players were always in short supply). But listening to people like Geddy Lee, John Paul Jones, Stanley Clarke, and others instilled a love of the instrument in me. It's something I wouldn't mind exploring again someday. Still, I've always been a bit

arkmsworld 1 year ago

more into guitars - especially acoustic guitars. I have an old Fender that I dabble on occasionally. Even more than that, though, I've always been a singer, though never professionally. That's where my true love is. :)

arkmsworld 1 year ago As a tangent, this guy makes some really in depth videos about songs and bands he finds extraordinary. Here's a list called "What makes this song Great?"

arkmsworld 1 year ago

I'm not from the GWN either, but it's a beauty, eh? :)

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pixelglade 1 year ago

Thanks for the YouTube links, I'll check those out :)

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