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I love this site, it's gorgeous. The bookshelf concept is SO cool!
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spiritcellar 3 years ago

Thank you so much!! I absolutely love your site as well! Also, I was actually inspired to do the library and bookshelves after visting Goth Zone's site ( and seing their library! It's all fun and games until you can't take/find a picture of a book's spine lol...

Omg. Wow. I am in LOVE with your site!! Your art, fashion, design, everything is seriously soooo cool and inspiring ♡♡♡
bizarredollhouse 4 years ago

Awww thank you so much!!! I'm glad its inspiring! I love your site too, it has such a comfy vibe and I love all the graphics <3

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Love the site! I'd compress the images on the art and books pages though, they're pretty big and take a while to load on slower connections
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spiritcellar 4 years ago

Thank you so much!! And yes, you are totally right; that's actually something that's been on my to-do list but I think it's time I get off my lazy bones and actually do that soon! Seriously much appreciated, thanks again!!

Lovely site!
spiritcellar 4 years ago

Oh my goodness, thanks so much! That really means a lot coming from someone with such an awesome, flagship site like yours ♡

thanks for following!
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spiritcellar 4 years ago

Of course! I love reading about all your different critters!!

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encounters-ltd 4 years ago

thank you!! did u check out the rest of the site :3

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spiritcellar 4 years ago

This looked a little better a bit ago but I needed to remove some images and some are still broken while I test on other browsers lmao I'm sorry I succ thanks for bearing with me

your site is so cool! I love the design, it makes me feel like i'm leaving my world and entering yours
spiritcellar 4 years ago

Omg what a wonderful compliment!! That's totally exactly how I feel on your site too! Thank you soooo so much

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spiritcellar 4 years ago

It always shows these pages and never the BRAND NEW ones omg


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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedSep 17, 2020
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personal fantasy art aesthetic nature