Bungfoots new site is now live! I hope you are all looking forward to her upcoming tips on all things botanical. I certainly can't wait to trade my regular boring fingers in for some shiny new green ones!
There has been a cold snap aboard Vega. Make sure your wrap up warm passengers, we're in for a frosty ride!
Our recent cold snap seems to have been brought about by an ice planet in Vega's orbit
Thank you for the kind words! Hope to take you along on the journey as Vega grows. UBWU
thanks. your site looks really cool but i dont really get what the MRU thing is
@psychicnewborn MRU is what creates the universe. It dosn't really look like anything, but it's shown as a figure wearing a dressing gown with a white mask like in the image here https://vegacollective.com/OpenCall UBWU :-)
Thank you, Enid. Universe be with you