I Love Spreading Misinformation

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"All opinions, values and morals and beliefs has a place in society" no they don't. What the f is your problem.
crazyfordragons 3 months ago

Right, like I wonder what their opinion of minority groups are🤔 Also, they never heard of the paradox of intolerance. Plus misinformation is literally how you get white supremacists and genocide deniers.

vaultofsky 3 months ago

Actually, governments actively suppressing any information contrary to the Official Narrative(tm) and encouraging its people to aggressively reject any ideas that don't have the Official Stamp of Approval(tm) is how we get Nazi Germany, communist China, innocent people enlisting to fight in every greed-driven war ever, etc... It's called propaganda, and you're not immune to it.

crazyfordragons 3 months ago

Girly pop, do you think it was the government that created Nazism and communism? And not people taking advantage of dumb asses who believed in pseudoscience? It's also propaganda to spread misinfo that could end someone's life just cuz the gov said it. Also while the us gov is undeniably currently denying a genocide, it wasn't denying past genocides. It was a non gov official

crazyfordragons 3 months ago

On my second sentence, I meant that it's misinformation to dismiss any scientific backing/claims the gov made just cuz the gov said it.

vaultofsky 3 months ago

Do I think that the government... had a hand in upholding and enforcing dictatorships? I.e., a system of government? Yes, by definition. Hitler was Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the German army, not some guerilla rebel. Suppression of information is a key characteristic of any dictatorship. The government making laws about what kind of information is and isn't allowed to be shared and shadowbanning alternative source

vaultofsky 3 months ago

s of information from popular search engines is an extremely slippery slope, and is a violation of freedom of speech. I'm obviously not talking about speech that incites any kind of criminal activity, and I'm also not talking about claiming something is untrue "just because the government said it." I'm talking about the vital importance of the ability to independently gather information from a variety of sources and

vaultofsky 3 months ago

then use your own critical thinking skills to come to a conclusion, rather than defaulting to a single, prepackaged, government- (or popular social media-) endorsed narrative.

vaultofsky 3 months ago

On an unrelated note, I genuinely really like your website. It feels like a colorful, magical tome you'd find in the back of a mysterious used book store. I especially like your orca, I feel like there aren't enough magical dolphin/orca OCs.

hermitage 3 months ago

Don't listen to the haters, king

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zazilicious 3 months ago

There's a fine line in restricting speech for the purposes of protecting people and that restriction going too far. I am largely of the mind that we shouldn't enforce governmental censorship due to the notion that a central authority ought to have power over speech to any substantial degree. I do, however, support ideas of anti-harrassment laws, and support platforms preventing harmful speech from being promoted

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zazilicious 3 months ago

I have a lot to say about this actually, so I might make a full post about it on my website

funnyorangecat 3 months ago

anyone in this thread smoke weed

eastathenaeum 3 months ago

I'm not sure what the intention is behind this statement, but given the context of subjects they want to cover on their site, I have doubts that Nazis crossed their mind.

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CreatedJun 27, 2022
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