lovesick ♡

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inkcaps 11 months ago

I'm so sorry to hear you've been down! It sounds like you have a lot on your plate, so it's completely understandable you feel down. So often it's always like, a bunch of different things just compiling and weighing you down, and it's stressful!! I'm happy you have things to look forward to at least, and hopefully everything works out for the best, too ; __ ; ♡♡

fri11s 11 months ago

The part where you talk about watching your parents aging and time continuing to flow is very very relatable. I feel you. Ever since I was a child I was scared of my parents dying, but now it's seeing their hair become more grey and their skin becoming more lined. We must spend as much time as we can with them now. Sending love 🥰

notprincehamlet 11 months ago

I, too, relate to the part about watching your parents age. I'm a pretty late child, especially for my dad - he was well into his 50s when I was born, which means he's in his 80s now. His physical health and cognitive abilities have been declining rapidly in the past couple of years, and it's been quite sad and difficult to witness... I feel like I haven't *truly* realized the inevitability of aging until now.

lostletters 11 months ago

Having just hosted my parents for a few days, I was keenly aware of their age, mobility, etc., and it reinforced this weird inversion where, at a certain age, you become more responsible and capable than them. I hated seeing their physical and mental decline. I hope you get lots of quality time with family. Take care!

loves1ck 11 months ago

thank you for the comments everyone! it's oddly comforting knowing i'm not alone in feeling this but i also wish none of us never had to deal with it :( i wish i had the spoons to say more but i really appreciate the kindness ♥

strawberryreverie 11 months ago

I too have been thinking a lot about the passage of time and aging a lot this year... The fact that time keeps moving whether we're ready or not is so cruel and scary. You stop and realize one day just how different your parents look. But I'm glad you can still spend time with your loved ones and that your father-in-law can recover!! I hope things get better for you and you get through your art block. ♥

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loves1ck 11 months ago

thank you so much for the kind words arachne! i really appreciate it ♥

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CreatedAug 25, 2021
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