Mental Labour

4,035 updates
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out of curiosity how much time do y'all spend browsing other peoples websites, is there any particular website you spent a lot of time going through?
ruralrose 11 months ago

Like, around an hour

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strawberry-gashes 11 months ago

it depends on the size of the site and what kind of content, but a few hours a week i'd say

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connor7000 11 months ago

I spend hours on pornhub

eastathenaeum 11 months ago

Every time there's an update, I'll open at least one of the pages it shows in a new tab and check it out.

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vashti 11 months ago

Normally when I log onto Neocities, the first thing I'll look at is whether or not the sites that I already follow have updated. If I have free time, I'll check out the global activity tab & see if there's anything eye catching. It really depends though. I have a job & go to school, so I don't really have a lot of time to be browsing the web. Most of my web time is spent on my own site, you know?


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CreatedMay 20, 2022
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