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So.. to all my programmers out there, what got you into programming?
elementz 6 years ago

I've started programming ROBLOX games because I thought it was fasinating. Then after quitting ROBLOX, I heard of this language called Python, and eventually I learned langs. like JavaScript, HTML, Swift*, Java*, PHP*, etc. (* = i only leared the fundamentals/basics), and then I got to databases like SQL.

quokka 6 years ago

A BASIC printout in an old book. :)

dotcomboom 6 years ago

Quite honestly stereotypical 2008 YouTube tutorials with 009 Sound System music in the background showing you how to make Visual Basic operating systems

joppiesaus 6 years ago

Minecraft classic. Basically you had these custom servers with lava survival which you could extend with commands, which you can write yourself, which is what got me into programming. I want to make a article that explains it in detail, but idk if that will happen. And I can refer to dotcomboom with these .bat file "viruses" with shortcuts to them with the internet explorer logo lmao but that wasn't the main thing

dotcomboom 6 years ago

Oh yes, I've definitely had my share of the latter as well. I'm the pro batch/vbs programmer guys I can make message boxes >:)

strata 6 years ago

Research paper I had to do in school. Picked up Java, hated it, then went onto something else.

mayvaneday 6 years ago

an obsessive desire to make an online game that went nowhere :(

yudosai 6 years ago

@dotcomboom honestly same. I wanted to learn how to make a game, but many of the youtube tutorials back in 2008 were .bat text-based games, as they were called. Choose-your-own adventure type stuff. After that I just kept doing every type of programming I could find until I hit fullstack web development.

arkmsworld 6 years ago

Took BASIC in highschool - loved it! Many years later I decided to learn programming for real so I studied C++ for about 15 months (so I could make games, program robots, and stuff). Right after that, I decided I wanted to learn to make websites, so I studied HTML/CSS/JS....then more JS so I could make browser games. :) Been thinking about learning PHP/MySQL recently.

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