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I absolutely need to go to the cinema to watch a whole movie. But I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing, makes watching a movie more of an event.
@manul I totally agree! Though I used to be reeeally in the habit of watching tons of full movies at home. I'm loving the intentionality required in going to the cinema or otherwise public screening. I agree it really is more of an event and makes me feel like part of the world.
i'm the exact opposite lol the way i've been getting back into watching tv shows and movies is by letting myself watch them on my phone at my desk instead of trying to force myself to go and sit and watch something on my tv. i guess it really does all come down to intentionally doing something no matter the venue lol
Whoa @faintlymacabre this just unlocked something for me I’m gonna try that
@chey right????? like use the fine china watch the movie netflix isn't going to keep it forever
@faintlymacrabe This approach makes a lot of sense.