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10 tips
letslearntogether 3 years ago

You can also use HTTrack, a piece of software for making a local copy of a website. It is available for multiple operating systems and is fairly easy to use.

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flamedfury 3 years ago

love this article. i have pangs of regret for not having a lot of my early web sites archived. the web archive was just getting started back around then but i've lost so much with deleted files, dying harddrives. the earliest of my works i can find is from 99 and all the images are missing. oh well, more on top of it these days :)

flamedfury 3 years ago

on surftheweb.html there's great opportunity to start exploring hand currated link directories that have been started in the last few years. similar to what yahoo! first started as, check out who i feel is leading the charge with his link directory love your newoldweb series :)

nightcity 3 years ago

neocities used to let you download your entire website in a zip file so you could back it up that way. It was a super useful feature, but I guess they had to get rid of it. I don't know why.

purplehello98 3 years ago

you can still download your site in a zip file, from the dashboard at the bottom left corner

nightcity 3 years ago

That's odd, because the link is no longer there for me. Perhaps it has something to do with the size of the website? (mine is just under 20mb). Honestly, this is a mystery to me.

letslearntogether 3 years ago

I think you are right. I noticed my link disappeared too after I hit a certain size.

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goblin-heart 3 years ago

I also do not have the link on my dashboard anymore. I definitely used to. But supporters can download their archive via Cyberduck on Windows, so I guess I'll manually archive every so often.

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