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i am in love with your writing style
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vashti 8 months ago

Yeah; I definitely think the ratio of followers has something to do with it, because even though I only have ~220 followers, I was on Neocities' second page of most followed sites. I had to flag my site as NSFW to get off of the page.

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vashti 8 months ago

I was also waiting for you to mention federi (lol). I was thinking of writing about their follow-for-follow adventures (for lack of a better word), but have left it alone for now.

suboptimalism 8 months ago

unless you want to become a part of the adventures yourself, it's best to wait until the dust has settled...

Hey another Japanese learner, nice! I enjoyed your writings on learning Japanese and could completely relate to the "one neat trick" part lmao
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suboptimalism 8 months ago

the only caveat is that it won't work for people who have no drive or desire to be productive...

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angeleyesprings 8 months ago

There will always be people like that unfortunately. There's so much media content and resources (like you mentioned) for Japanese that anyone has the opportunity to practice. Just like with working out, "showing up" is the hardest part!

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lostletters 8 months ago

β€œi don't even wakaru nihongo” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

saddleblasters 8 months ago

i know it's supposed to be satire, but all of this is way too relatable for me, especially "i'm getting into art and it's NOT going well!!" this sentence defines my entire life since high school

suboptimalism 8 months ago

i'm not creative enough to make things up, 95% of what i wrote there is 100% true

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siqu 8 months ago

sugoi sugoi!

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ophanimkei 8 months ago


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Thanks for the post on the Yesterweb's fall. I read their manifesto and my brain decided to take a strong dislike for it. Your post helped me understand exactly what is it that I despised so much about it, and I thank you for it.
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suboptimalism 9 months ago

surprised people are still reading this, yesterweb feels like ancient history. nowadays it's all about the benevolent dictatorship of f*d*ri, who accidentally improved on yesterweb by refusing to let any sort of community form...

lostletters 9 months ago

can't wait for your post on f*d*ri if you end up making one

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lostletters 10 months ago

Japanese was too tough for me, and I'm coming up on 5 years in Japan. Kudos to anyone who can keep up with the rough grind.

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saddleblasters 10 months ago

Lots of good general insights about language learning here. One thing I find strange about Japanese learning is how "communal" it seems to be. There are thousands of little groups on the internet devoted to Japanese, and every day someone new pops in to announce they started learning it, asking questions that have been asked a million times, like "what manga are good for beginning Japanese learners?"

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saddleblasters 10 months ago

I guess it sounds like I’m mocking people by phrasing it this way. It’s just so different from how I learned Chinese, which was quite a solitary experience. Even now, whenever I want to talk in English about Chinese stuff that I find fascinating, I always feel like the only other people who care are a handful of Chinese Americans. Other sorts of people who I feel should be interested aren’t at all.

saddleblasters 10 months ago

This ends up being unhealthy for me, because my contrarian inclinations cause me to go from just talking about Chinese stuff I like to becoming a full on China apologist, which is of course a completely fruitless endeavor from every perspective imaginable.

suboptimalism 10 months ago

i think getting too involved in the "communities" is another potential pitfall... you might find yourself spending all your time chatting in english about learning japanese in some discord server instead of actually learning it

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