wass good

6,608 updates
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do you write your blog html by hand or use some form magic?
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geouniversal 5 years ago

like it's really tidy. but i don't like making all the xml tags for lists, tables and links all the time by hand

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yudosai 5 years ago

100% by hand. Not gonna lie It's kinda a hassle to write sometimes, that's why I have the microblog for less serious updates that don't need any styling. But thanks! One of my goals with this design was to keep it as clean as possible. Tips: Keep your updates uniform and easy to replicate. If you press F5 in notepad, you get the format I use for dates. If you look at my CSS, it's designed to keep everything looking

yudosai 5 years ago

keep everything uniform. A good amount of elements are styled to be good on both mobile and desktop, designing mobile first can help in a big way too. Sorry for the late response. I typed all of this out a few minutes after you posted and forgot to hit send lmao.

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geouniversal 5 years ago

I am sitting on mostly draft messages myself ha. nice! I once used php to generate html from a folder of notepad files, file names were timestamps so it was easy to order. started learnimg js/node and deleted php folder, and never figured it out in js.

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geouniversal 5 years ago

I want an updates blog and I was hoping you had a cheat, instead ill say thamks for the hard labour, it shows you care

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yudosai 5 years ago

Hmm that sounds cool! You could probably write an updates script that keeps track of time stamps and which files are edited, and creates a small post about said update. ngl I don't know much node either. I've been on that PHP train since 2014, and I think it's time to branch out. (BONUS: I actually wrote a PHP script for an unreleased project I abandoned some time ago.. maybe I'll bring that project back to life?)

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geouniversal 5 years ago

my buddy's been programmig for like 16 years, told me i'd hate php. didn't mean to delete my project folder ha. i'd try out node, maybe rebuild old projects as a way to learn. it more modern (fun) and it's written in js, so you get to learn more js as a result!

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