Mental Labour

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letslearntogether 4 months ago

Your work isn't "useless" if it is meaningful to you. I am curious however as to the motivation behind analyzing such works, and moreover, whether or not it feeds into depression and a fatalistic outlook on life. On a more personal level, I would like to tell you that you are genuinely loved and appreciated. Your life has value.

letslearntogether 4 months ago

Will that ease your mental-emotional burden? Doubtful. But perhaps it can buoy you up above the mire for a moment to see the light of a more peaceful day ahead of you.

letslearntogether 4 months ago

Now, as for the topic of satanic honeypots, I will be blunt: I would not be at all surprised if it were not so much for the purposes of prosecution, but as a means of recruitment for partaking in Hostel-like activities in some sort of bizarre MKUltra off-shoot. I am reminded of an interview with the rapper N.O.R.E. [CW: ]

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letslearntogether 4 months ago

There are arguably other "doors," of which people like Epstein are the doormen, but I think you get the idea. People who think that they can get away with "anything" will sometimes try "everything." Thus, "power" can corrupt absolutely. On a social level, one might say that the "state" exists to enforce "capitalism," so they regularly feedback into one another.

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letslearntogether 4 months ago

However, many forget that the dark underbelly of that same beast is made up of the "illicit trades," so all of them must be "state-sanctioned" to some degree. Compartmentalization creates pockets of shadow where people attempt to hide their darkest activities. The details of it all can wear down the soul after awhile, but my hope shall never die...I just wonder what they all think of Revelation 18-19...

mental-labour 3 months ago

thanks letslearntogether, i can always count on you

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