OH YEAH i've been so lazy on my website so it doesnt work yet. i was going to make a custom enter button but... alas... the brain does not do html right now -yuna
I paid crypto to use an anonymous 3rd party service for my domain name. It costed a lot but whatever. Sucks having to do that sort of stuff for my show. But I guess it is that spicy.
Unfortunately since the new hosting I haven't been able to log in correctly to the ftp until just recently, so nothing is probably up lol\
Heck yea you do, really am looking forward to reading that one!
As soon as possible but this work week has been pretty full of hours. Today is a holiday so it may get cut short I hope
Update: I wrote two notebook pages so far and feel like I’m not even at the real start of the story. If todays workday is only four hours at the post office as I am hoping I’ll have this shit done tonight and typed out/uploaded
No pressure, no rush. Behind the scenes, direct from the source, that is exciting.
It's up now. It's not all I will have but I don't have any of the photos of things I wanted to showcase yet. Everyone in my house is asleep, so there's no chance I can snap shots of the bedroom shadowbox or source data box, but I will
The page frame might need refreshed
oh, the notebook scans are coming next, just not tonight lol. I need rest
It’s a draft though that my wife will soon edit